Contemporary performance management practice in global context

Contemporary performance management practice in global context

   Festing & Barzantny, (2008) described that the Performance Management (PM) is a spiral process in which performance will be improved and evaluated continuously. And also it based on clearly defined criteria which aligned to the business strategy of the organization. The overall objective of a PM system is to improve the performance of an organization or a business unit. PM is an unbroken process of improving performance. And also it is a process of setting goals that are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing progress, and developing the knowledge, skills and abilities of people (Armstrong, 2016)
According to the research made by Bedford & Malmi (2009), throughout 400 of industries in Australia such as Agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, transport, wholesale, finance, insurance, real estate and services, suggest that within the performance management systems of strong performance organizations, strategy is planned formally,after Strategic objectives and plans are  implemented through a combination of budgets and performance measureing systems.
Microsoft encourages managers to give employees more timely feedback based on the rhythm of their business units and cut off forced timelines for performance management. In addition, the company abolished the practice of giving a pre-determined target distribution of bonuses
In twenty first century, PM plays significant role in HRM. Every Human Resource function contributes to PM, Performance appraisal plays more significant role. Whereas performance appraisal occurs at a specific time, PM is a dynamic, ongoing, continuous process. Each and every person of an organization, is the part of the PM system. Training, appraisal and reward has a strong combination in order to ensure the continuous organizational effectiveness. With PM, the effort of each and every employee should be directed toward achieving strategic goals. Training is very essential in order to improve skills of the employee. As well as training has a strong connection with PM while concentrating with achieving organizational effectiveness. In addition, pay and performance are directly related to achieving organizational goals.
CEO of Reward systems inc said that, Performance management is the single largest contributor to organizational effectiveness. Organizations need to integrate the company’s mission, vision, and values into their performance management systems.
Tiawati (2014) stated that, With to proper use, performance management organizations  will  get remarkable benefits, particularly in the management practices in public organization in the developing countries.


Armstrong, M. (2016). Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR: Developing effective people skills for better leadership and management. 4 th edition ed. s.l.: Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

Bedford, D. & Malmi, T. (2009). Best practice in performance management. A collaborative research project between CPA Australia and the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), pp. 10-17.

Festing & Barzantny, (2008). A comparative approach to performance management in France & Germany: the impact of the European and the country -specific environment.. Europian journal of international Management, Volume 2, pp. 208-228.

tiawati, Z. (2014). Performance Management System: The Practices in the Public Organization in the Developing Countries. Information and Knowledge Management, Volume vol 3, no.4, pp. 126-135.


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