The impact of organizational culture in contemporary context

The impact of organizational culture in contemporary context

Organizational culture includes its expectations, philosophy, experiences and values and also asserting organization’s self-image, future expectations, and interaction with competitor world. Each organizations has their own exclusive organizational culture which stems from the vision of their leaders. The unique personality of an organization is referred to as its culture. It is not visible, but it has strong power to influence on employees of an Organization.

Watkins (2013) Stated that Culture is consistent, observable patterns of behavior in organizations. In order to achieve Organizational overall objectives and competitive advantages, individuals or the employees of an Organization need supportive organizational culture.

The talent of the employees would be considered as backbone of an organization. Awadh & Saad (2013) argued that, throughout the establishment of strong culture of an organization, the level of performance of employees could be improved.

Recent studies shows that the Organizational culture has strong relationship with the management and the organizational performance. On the other hand the strong culture of an organization based upon leaders help in improving level of performance.

Kotter (2012) stated that Organizational culture has power to motivate employees and increase job satisfaction. Ernst (2001) argued that the expectations of internal and external stakeholders and the culture of an organization should have to align accordingly, in order to achieve the expected organizational performance.

Ahmed & Shafuq (2014) Described organization culture in to 04 functions as providing sense of identity to members, enhancing the commitment, strengthening organizational values, and shaping behavior through a control mechanism.

In twenty first century a good job is not just about the pay back and insurance benefits. Most employees want to feel like their work is contributing to the greater good of the world.

Examples for the top organizations with great organizational culture

§  Google    -  Google's corporate culture is the standard by which all other tech companies are               

§  Apple      - Apple describes itself: as perfectionists, Idealists and Inventors. Forever tinkering
                With products and processes, always on the lookout for better."

§  Nike        - Most Innovative Company of the Year, Fast Company, 2013

§  USAA Insurance - Relaxed environment where employees can wear shorts to work


Ahmed, M. & Shafiq, S. (2014). The Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, Global Journals Inc. (USA), Volume 14 Issue 3 Version 1.0(Issue 3 Version 1.0).

Awadh, A. M. & Saad, A. M. (2013). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. International Review Of Management and Business Research, Volume 2(Issue 1), pp. 169-171.

Ernst, (2001). Corporate Culture and innovative performance of the firm.. Proceeding of the International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology, pp. 532-535.

Kotter, J. p. (2012). Corporate culture and perfofmance. New York: Free Press.

Watkins, M. (2013). What is Organizationa lculture and why should we care. Harward Business Review,Executive Education.


  1. it is well-organized and far-sighted

  2. Well written with good examples. Good referencing. Keep continuing!

  3. Well structured article. Given examples are also good.

  4. You have done a good research on this topic with real good examples. Keep it up.

  5. attractive examples, one thing noted, when you list down references, make sure to list down those according to the alphabetical order.

  6. Plenty of international examples.Good essay.Google the was named the 2014 “Best Company to Work For” by the Great Place to Work Institute and Fortune Magazine.The organization topped the list for the fifth time .In this flat hierarchy organization, engineers have plenty of flexibility when it comes to selecting the projects they work on.Organization culture may have huge impact on the overall performance of the employees as well as the company.

  7. Well structured essay good examples referencing is good but dont meet Harvard Style can u correct that please . Also needs intext citation

    1. Corrections done Doctor. Thank you very much for your valuable advice.

  8. Well written essay with rich content. keep up the good work


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