Talent Management as a challenge in twenty first century

Talent management as a challenge in  twenty first century

Today the ‘’Talent Management’’ became one of most important buzzwords in corporate training and HR. Corporate world is entering to a new era in Talent Management. Learning and Development and HR organizations are now aligned on a new set of strategic issues.

Reilly (2012) stated that  business executives and Human Resource Managers assess Talent Management as their top people issue, believing it has a very high impact on business performance.

Talent management generally include performance management, recruitment processes, succession management, learning, competency management, compensation and career development. It requires both organizational commitment and systems, in order to attract, acquire, measure and manage the talent needed to achieve organizations overall business objectives. Talent management and the business should have to align with processes in order to maximize their benefits.

Cappelli (2008) argued that Talent Management is not about creating succession plans or developing employees, not about achieving given targets or turnovers. It is exists to support the organization’s overall objectives.

In twenty first century Organizations are doing their recruiting process more effectively, by using "competency based" recruiting instead of sorting through resumes. They can quickly identify competency gaps and can manage people in a consistent and measurable way. They can identify high performers and successors to key positions throughout the organization.

Campbell & Hihsh (2013) Described Talent management as a Four - step model, Definition, focus, process and action.  Wellins et al, (2012) described few Key components of a highly effective talent management such as, Clear vision on organizations business strategies, Identification of gap between current and required talent in order to achieve business targets, Proper strategies to reach.the talent gaps, Correct promotion and hiring process, Set of individual and team goals and providing directions and    Accurate process to enhance talent

Many researchers found several issues as the top talent management challenges in twenty first century, such as Lack of skill talent for main positions, less than optimal employee engagement, less of high potential leaders in the organization, loss of top talent to other organizations and shortage of talent at all levels.


campbell, v. & Hirsh, W. (2013). Talent Management A four step approach. HR ies HR network, Institute fof Employment Studies, Sovereign House, Issue report 502, pp. 15-18.

Cappelli, P. (2008). Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century. Harward Business review, Issue Insught Center, competing in the future.

Reilly, (2012). International Talent Management. Global Human resource Management, challenges facing the function , Volume volome 2.

Wellins, R., Smith, A. & Erker, S. (2012). Nine Best Practices for effective talent management . Development Dimensions International, pp. 3-14.


  1. Very informative article and you have cited latest references. I think competency based HRM has affected in reorganizing the job rolls causing talent management should emerged to training & development department.

  2. Lot of improvement you have done.Keep it up

  3. You have discussed a very interesting topic. Nice essay. Keep it up!

  4. it is much better in terms of relevant points

  5. Good job on your explanation. But it would add more colours if you come up with real examples.

  6. Good explanation with latest references. Keep up the good job.

  7. Good easy with latest references.It should be well structured.

  8. Good job, continue it, good luck

  9. Good job, continue it, good luck


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